
Saturday 21 March 2020

The Strangest Week

Was it really just one week ago today that some football was played in England, the National League and others below offering what may yet be the final opportunity to get out and watch a match in the 2019/20 season.

In the top leagues, of course, the stated desire is to get the campaign finished but as measures to stop the spread of coronavirus ramp up by the day it may be that more decisions have to be taken like that of the Highland League earlier today when they decided enough was enough and that Brora Rangers would be declared champions.

Those decisions will not be taken lightly, balanced as they are by the need to try and get back to playing as soon as possible in order to bring some kind of money in.

Usually, even when a series of matches are postponed due to the weather, those clubs where the bar or social club is the central focus are still able to generate revenue while planning can still go on for the next season in terms of season tickets and the like.

This most unexpected turn of events has cut off every source of income possible and has no end date in sight that can be predicted with any kind of certainty.

Some clubs have already made it clear that they will struggle to carry on, insignificant of course when set against the loss of life that has already occurred but, as I saw in one quote earlier this week, it is in such clubs that the fightback of communities will begin.

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